Is it possible to import the complex shape type into ModelBuilder as a polygon?

Product(s): SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, SewerCAD
Version(s): CONNECT Edition, V8i
Area: Modeling


Complex shapes created in MicroStation are not being imported into the storm-sewer products as catchments. Is there a way to import complex shapes into the programs through ModelBuilder?


It isn't possible to import these directly. It would be better to create polygons instead of complex shapes if you plan on importing these shapes into ModelBuilder. However, there are a couple of workarounds that you can try to convert the complex shapes into a polygon, which can be used in MicroStation.

Using ArcMap

First, remove all elements but the catchments, since ArcMap will see layers that are off, then load the DGN file in ArcMap. Right-click on the DGN polygon layer in ArcMap and choose Data > Export Data to export it to a shapefile (by default it wants to put it in a gdb). This shapefile will be read as a polygon and can be exported into ModelBuilder.

Using AutoCAD

There is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create boundaries for the hatch areas in, allowing ModelBuilder to recognize these as closed areas. The command is “_HatchGenerateBoundary”, which is mentioned here.

See Also

Using ModelBuilder to Import External Data
