StormCAD TechNotes and FAQs

This article provides a list of in-depth TechNotes and FAQs for Bentley StormCAD.

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Frequently Asked Questions

StormCAD General FAQs



Can StormCAD use the HDS-5 calculations that CulvertMaster uses to compute culvert hydraulics?

Creating User-Defined Profile Settings


SewerCAD (GVF Convex Solver) vs. SewerGEMS/CivilStorm (Implicit and Explicit Dynamic solvers) vs. StormCAD (GVF Rational Solver)?

Transferring Custom Inlets Catalogs, Storm Data, Conduit Catalogs, or Flow-Headloss Curves from One Computer to Another

Understanding the Modified Rational Method

Using Catchment Delineation



Troubleshooting Constraint Based Design Results

Troubleshooting negative pressures at pumps, junctions, & other node elements

Why does the profile for the system appear to be at odds with the results for the capacity? (For example, the profile does not show a conduit as being full, but the capacity results indicate that it is.) 


What’s New

New Features and Enhancements for OpenFlows products

See Also

StormCAD Product Information

OpenFlows Product TechNotes And FAQs

OpenFlows Water Solutions on Bentley Website