How are node labels handled when ModelBuilder automatically creates them at pipe endpoints?

Product(s): WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm
Version(s): CONNECT Edition, as of 10.02.01.XX
Area: Layout and Data Input


When using the "create node when node found at pipe endpoint" option in ModelBuilder, how are node labels handled for those auto-created nodes?


If you are importing pipes from a polyline data source and ModelBuilder does not find a point feature within the specified tolerance of the pipe endpoint, it can be configured to automatically create a node at the endpoint (junction for the water products or manhole for the storm/sewer products.)

If the polyline data source contains fields for the start and stop node label and you have mapped them using the "start node" and "stop node" dropdown in the Field Mapping step of ModelBuilder, then the auto-created nodes will adopt the respective label based on the pipe start/stop orientation.

If start node/stop node are not mapped in ModelBuilder, then the auto-created nodes will be assigned labels based on the Labeling setting. (File > Options > Labeling > Junction/Manhole) For example P-1, P-2, and so on.

If you are using the GIS-ID feature (for the key field, instead of Label) and have mapped the start and stop node field in the Field Mapping section, the desired label of the start and stop nodes is placed in the GIS-ID field of the adjacent auto-created nodes. (see the GIS-ID collection field in the node properties)

Currently there is not a mechanism in place to tell the program to also use the GIS-ID as the label. If you need to use GIS-ID but also have the start and stop node shown in the Label field of the new nodes in addition to the GIS-ID collection, try the following as a workaround.

1) Open the GIS-ID Center from the Tools ribbon

2) Right click the Element Type column header > Filter > Custom, the set to Element Type = Junction

3) Right click on the column called "GIS-IDs (delimited)" and choose "select column".

4) Click the copy button in the top-left corner

5) Right click on the Label column and choose "select column".

6) Click the Paste button at the top

7) Check to make sure the values were pasted properly, then go back to the model and confirm that the pipe start/stop nodes are now as expected.

See Also

Using ModelBuilder to Import External Data

Keeping a Hydraulic Model in Sync with a GIS

Preparing GIS data for use in the hydraulics and hydrology products

How to populate or update an existing model with GIS-IDs
