Exploring model results in OpenFlows FLOOD

Product(s): OpenFlows FLOOD


This article will discuss how to view the results from running a simulation


OpenFlows FLOOD allows you to visualize model results in the internal GIS map, and also in a timeseries (XY graph) format.

In addition, the generated numerical model outputs can also be visualized outside OpenFlows FLOOD, in a 3D immersive visualization tool – Bentley’s LumenRT. This application is ready to seamlessly import OpenFlows FLOOD model results in HDF format, using it as background, a 3D reality mesh that can be obtained from ContextCapture (the same that was/is used for the generation of the OpenFlows FLOOD 2D grid mesh with the digital terrain model). (Please note however that in this guide we will not exercise how to visualize OpenFlows FLOOD results in LumenRT).

During the simulation the model output files are created. When selecting the simulation that just finished running (“Sim #1”), the “Modules” section in the middle pane is filled with “HDF Files” and “Time Series Files” result data:

Figure 1 – List with model outputs (HDF and Time Series)

Output results can be visualized in a gridded map format (using OpenFlows FLOOD’s GIS features, by loading HDF5 output files) or in XY graphs (by loading the output timeseries files).

Different types of parameters can be visualized.

HDF files contain model results for the entire computational grid at different time instants of the simulation, similar to instantaneous snapshots of the study area. These results can be plotted as maps animated in time.

Time series files contain results for predefined computational grid points with high output frequency. These results can be plotted as time series graphs.

Video - LumenRT Visualization
