WaterSight - Operational Response

Product(s): WaterSight
Version(s): 10.00.
Area: Documentation

Operational Response

The operational event page goal is to assess and demonstrate the impact of operational events (such as pipe breaks, fire events and pump shutdowns) to service levels, including the details of the customers affected (with no water and low pressures).

Please update minimum admissible pressure defined in the digital twin settings, under the service expectations tab, so that low pressure customers can be correctly identified.

New Event

Opens a drop down menu to select the events to create.

Workflow Description
Pipe Break Select a pipe from the map and simulate the impact of a pipe break to service levels
Fire Event Select a fire node from the map and simulate the impact of the additional flow required to service levels
Pump Shutdown Select a pump to shutdown from the map and simulate the impact to service levels
Valve Operations Select valves to open or close from the map and simulate the impact to service levels

Once an event is created, the user will automatically be redirected to a map to set the location of the event. The operational event is automatically saved in the Operational Events table (below the New event button) after a location for the event is defined. 


User defined name assigned to the event. This field can be changed in the event editor page. To accede the event editor page, click on the map icon   located on the right side of the table (last column). 


The type of event selected from the "New Event" drop down button, that was used to create the record. This field is automatically populated and can't be changed. 

Creation Date

Time when the event record was created by the user. This field is automatically populated and can't be changed. 

Created by

The email of the user that created the event record. This field is automatically populated and can't be changed. 


Indicates the status of the event simulation. This field is automatically populated and updated and can't be changed. 

Status Type Description
Preparing All Model computation about to start
Isolating Pipe break Topological analysis in progress to determine affected customers (no hydraulic model computation required)
Isolated Pipe break Results from topological analysis are available (no hydraulic model computation required)
In Progress All Model computation in progress
Succeeded All Model computation completed successfully; results are available for review
Failed All Model computation failed; results are unavailable

Customers Without Water

Reported number of customers with zero pressure during the simulated event.

Low Pressure Customers

Reported number of customers with low pressure during the simulated event. Low pressure customers correspond to those customers which pressure is below the minimum admissible pressure defined in the digital twin settings, under the service expectations tab, and also excludes low chronical pressure customers (that already had low pressure before the event happened, except those that had a decrease in pressure higher than 15%).

Critical Customers Affected

Number of critcal customers with zero pressure or low pressure during the simulated event. 

Low pressure customers correspond to those customers which pressure is below the minimum admissable pressure defined in the digital twin settings, under the service expectations tab, and also excludes low chronical pressure customers (that already had low pressure before the event happened). 

The information about critical customers need to be previously provided by the user and filled in the configuration template used to import customers information, in the digital twin administration. 


Open the event with the respective editor displaying the event location an the map

Pipe Break Editor 
Fire Event Editor
Pump Shutdown Editor
Valve Operations Editor
 Delete this event record
 Download the model that was setup to simulate this event 

See also

Service Expectation - Minimum pressure

Customers Information

Configuration template

OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's.
