WaterSight - Configuring Absolute Based Alerts

Product(s): WaterSight
Version(s): 10.00.
Area: Documentation


Alerts can be configured by the admin user in the Alerts Administration page and once generated by the system they become available in the Alert list page

Alerts can be generated based on two methods: i) pattern based alerts, where SCADA or other telemetry data (processed) is compared with the expected behavior for that sensor or zone and ii) absolute based alerts which are evaluated by directly comparing real time data (processed) with the user defined threshold. 

Pattern based alarms are useful to trigger and detect anomaly or extraordinary events that don't occur often, and therefore do not make part of the normal behavior/pattern of the zone or sensor, like bursts and leaks (please see this article for some tips how to configure bursts alerts). Absolute based alarms are useful to identify situations that do not depend on the sensor or zone pattern, like for example problems related with pressure service requirements (pressure below the minimum required or above the maximum allowed by law), tank overflows or low levels inside the tank.

The aim of this article is to support the user in the definition of the most adequate configurations to trigger alerts:

  • whenever the pressure is below the minimum required;
  • whenever the pressure is above the maximum required;
  • for tank overflows;
  • whenever tank levels are below the minimum recommended.

Configuring Alerts Based on a Pressure Below the Minimum Required

WaterSight can automatically generate alerts whenever the pressure is below the minimum required. Alerts for these events should be configured according with the following: 

  • Type: Pressure
  • High/Low: Low
  • Absolute/Pattern: Absolute
  • Time Series: 15 minutes 
  • Value/Threshold: value of the minimum required pressure
  • Duration: 0.5 hours (recommended)

Note: The Value/Threshold units are those defined in the Digital Twin settings, under Administration. 

Configuring Alerts Based on a Pressure Above the Maximum Allowed

WaterSight can automatically generate alerts whenever the pressure is above the maximum allowed. Alerts for these events should be configured according with the following: 

  • Type: Pressure
  • High/Low: High
  • Absolute/Pattern: Absolute
  • Time Series: 15 minutes 
  • Value/Threshold: value of the maximum pressure allowed in the system
  • Duration: 0.5 hours (recommended)

Note: The Value/Threshold units are those defined in the Digital Twin settings, under Administration. 

Configuring Alerts for Tank Overflows

WaterSight can automatically generate alerts for tank overflows (whenever the level is above the tank top).  Alerts for these events should be configured according with the following: 

  • Type: Level
  • High/Low: High
  • Absolute/Pattern: Absolute
  • Time Series: 15 minutes 
  • Value/Threshold: value of the maximum water level allowed inside the tank (tank top)
  • Duration: 0.5 hours (recommended)

Note: The Value/Threshold units are those defined in the Digital Twin settings, under Administration. 

Configuring Alerts for Low Levels in Tanks

WaterSight can automatically generate alerts low levels in tanks. Alerts for these events should be configured according with the following:  

  • Type: Level
  • High/Low: Low
  • Absolute/Pattern: Absolute
  • Time Series: 15 minutes 
  • Value/Threshold: value of the minimum level of water recommended
  • Duration: 0.5 hours (recommended)

Note: The Value/Threshold units are those defined in the Digital Twin settings, under Administration. 

See Also

Configuring bursts alerts

OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's.
