WaterSight - Issue Resolution


Creating an Issue

New issues can be created on any WaterSight page by clicking the issue flag button located on the right side of the header. WaterSight will automatically populate these issues with the area the issue was created in (e.g. the current URL) and the status set to New. A relevant screenshot displaying the issue can be uploaded, pasted, or captured in WaterSight.

In case this option is not visible or the form is blocked to you, please check your user permission roles (OpenFlow roles need to have the ProjectWise Forms permissions) or contact Bentley support team.

Issues are a particularly important communication tool between operators and managers to identify and track potential anomalies observed from any page within WaterSight. Some examples can  include:

Managing Issues

The issue resolution page displays the an overview of issues associated with the digital twin. Issues can be created from this page, or from any other page using the Issue button in the header, as explained above.

WaterSight integrates with Bentley's Form/Issue Resolution service and displays the same data you would find in the CONNECT portal. More documentation for the dashboard can be found here.

Issues can have a status of New, Under Investigation, Removed, or Done and should be assigned to someone. An issue that is New or Under Investigation is considered to be in an Open state, while a Removed or Done issue is Closed. The charts and tables in the Issue Resolution dashboard can be filtered by Status, State, and other properties.

To edit an existent issue just click in the Display Name column, located on the table and it will automatically open the form in edit mode.

For more information about WaterSight, please go to OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's.