Troubleshooting making a SCADA connection to Oracle database

 Product(s):SewerGEMS, WaterGEMS
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Layout/Data Input


This article provides guidance for resolving various problems that may occur when attempting to connect to an Oracle data source with SCADAConnect in WaterGEMS or SewerGEMS. For example the signal data may not appear or an error message may occur when trying to connect.

"Can't convert from String to Double"

"Could not load file or assembly Bentley.EngineeringContent.Storage.Oracle.Support.dll"

"Could not load file or assembly Bentley.Geospatial.Support.dll"

"ORA-12514: TNS: Listener does not currently know of a service requested in connect descriptor"

"A supported Oracle client installation was not found on this system ..."


In order to make a connection to the  Oracle database, it might be necessary to use the fully-qualified schema name in front of the view name.

Example: select distinct N_SERIE from DW_CIBE_PROD.V_VECTORA

The table attempting to be accessed was  V_VECTORA but with only the name of the table, nothing was mapped.

But, when the schema is added in front of the view name a connection was created.

Example: SELECT DISTINCT [SignalName] FROM [DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName]

 If this does not allow you to connect to your Oracle Database, here are some basic things to check:

"Can't convert from String to Double"

This has been known to occur in some cases due to the operating system regional / language options. Specifically the decimal separator when using a region such as Italy. This will be addressed in a future version (reference defect # 382348)

Unable to connect to an Oracle 19c data source

To work with Oracle 19c data sources, you will need to use version 10.03.04.XX or greater.

​See Also

Using ModelBuilder to Import External Data

Troubleshooting ModelBuilder issues and errors connecting to an Oracle database