WaterSight - New Valve Operations

Product(s): WaterSight
Version(s): 10.00.
Area: Documentation

After selecting Valve Operations from New Event menu on the Operational Response page a wizard guides you through the workflow. The goal is to easily simulate and show the impacts on the service levels throughout the network caused by opening or closing user defined valves.

Valves operations simulation can be useful to support testing several operational planned activities such as:

  • Validate/change/create new DMA or pressure zones  
  • DMA Sub-zoning  
  • Step-testing  
  • Placing a tank temporary out of service (by closing downstream and upstream valve)
  • Pressure management activities 
  • Identify possible locations to install a sensor 
  • Other operational activities

1. Select the Valves to open or close on the Map

Select the valves to open or close by directly clicking over the valves in the map. In case the user does not have valves in the model, he can also choose to close the pipe instead.

Opened valves are represented in the map with a green color while closed valves are represented in the map with a red color.

Figure 1 - Valves opened are represented with a green color in the map

The user can simulate closing a valve by directly clicking in a green valve in the map, and can also simulate opening a valve by directly clicking in a red valve. This type of event allows to simulate only opening user defined valves, or only closing user defined valves, or a mix between opening some valves and closing others.

Figure 2 - In this event user is simulating closing two valves and opening one valve

If this step is canceled, no event will be created and the user is redirected to the Operational Response table

2. Setup and Run the computation

After selecting which valves to open and/or close, the user needs to click in the "Done" button located on the right side panel to start the computation. Once clicking there, a pop-up dialog appears with two simulation types available:

Steady state run

Hydraulic model engine will  run in order to identify customers impacted by the valves operation (customers without supply and customers with low pressure). Steady state means that the period analyzed corresponds only to the exact instant (defined by the user) when the valves are in the new user defined state (opened and/or closed). 

Extended period run

Extended period means that the period analyzed comprises a specific duration (and not an instant) defined by the user. 

Other options besides the valve closure or opening start time include also the time for which the valves stay in their new state (duration). By toggle on the Advanced Option button, the user can explicitly define a start data and end date for the simulation run (instead of having the software automatically assuming a default start and end for the simulation).

3. Resume running the Valves Operation computation

If you canceled out from the previous step, you will be presented the Valves Operation Computation Panel (located on the right side). Clicking the Simulate button allows you enter the computation settings and run the valves operation event simulation again.

4. Compute in progress 

After the initial event simulation has been started the "Progress" page is displayed.

5. Results 

Upon completion of the simulation run, the results are displayed. More information on results here. 

After completion of the simulation run, the user can re-run a different scenario where different valves are selected (without needing to leave the page) by just clicking on the edit button    located near the valves that were operated.

See also

Operational Response page

New Fire Event

New Pipe Break Event

New Pump Shutdown Event

OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's
