Organization and Asset Level User Role Descriptions


This article will provide users, specifically Admins who are responsible for managing user access, with an overview of the roles at the Organization and Project levels. For instructions regarding changing the role of users, please see the User Management article.

This article will cover:


Organization Level Roles

The following roles have the permission to access all projects in the organization, create new projects, and manage user organization and project roles:

The Basic role is the alternative role for a user organization role assignment. Users with this role can only access projects they are invited to join by an Admin.


Project Level Roles

Project roles control the user's ability to access modules, manage hardware connections, and their ability to create, access, and share profiles. 


Project-level roles can be further divided into two categories:


IoT CreatorIoT EditorIoT Viewer
Add Connections  
Delete Connections/Devices/Sensors  
Add Documents  
Delete Documents  
Transfer and Archive Connections/Device/sensors  
Delete Public Profile  
Edit Connections/Devices/SensorsEdit Connections/Devices/Sensors 
Associate/Dissociate DocumentsAssociate/Dissociate Documents 
Make Profile PublicMake Profile Public 
Edit Public ProfileEdit Public Profile 
Make Profiles that are PrivateMake Profiles that are PrivateMake Profiles that are Private


Note: Modules with customizable profiles include Dashboards, Data (graphs, polar, X/Y plots, tables, and import sections), Maps (maps, assets, Image view sections), Alerts, and Reports.