Dashboards Module


The Dashboards module allows the user to configure multiple custom data cards on a single page, called a Dashboard, in order to provide "at-a glance" visual insights into many types of information available across modules of the platform. To navigate to the Dashboards Module, click on the gauge symbol (highlighted by the red box) within the module selection bar on the left.


This article will cover the following topics:

My Dashboards

"My Dashboards" is the home of the Dashboards module. It is the repository for user-created Dashboards. This portion of the article will provide an overview of creating dashboards and managing Dashboards from the "My Dashboards" folder.



1. Creating a Dashboard- Clicking on the "+Dashboard" icon will direct the user to the Dashboard creation window illustrated below. Configuration of a Dashboard from this window will be reviewed in the following section, Creating and Editing a Dashboard.


2. Dashboard Selection- After Dashboards have been created, they will be displayed within the Dashboard Selection portion of the page. Click on the name of the Dashboard to navigate to that Dashboard.

Multiple Dashboards can also be selected simultaneously by clicking on the checkbox next to the name of the Dashboards. 

3. Multi-Select Dashboard Options- After selecting a Dashboard or Dashboards via the checkbox option, the "Share" and "Delete" icons on the top of the page will turn from grey to black, indicating the options are available for selection. The left button opens the sharing options window below, while the right button will delete the selected Dashboards. The sharing or deletion option will be applied to all selected Dashboards.

Creating and Editing a Dashboard

This section of the article will guide the user through the Dashboard creation and configuration options within the Dashboard edit page.

Creating a Dashboard

From the My Dashboards page, click on the "+Dashboard"  icon. The page that opens will be the Dashboard creation edit page, illustrated below.

1. Dashboard Name- The name of the Dashboard can be input in the blank window.

2. Add Card- Clicking the "+Card"  icon will open the Card Configuration window. Card configuration options will be covered in-depth in the Dashboard Cards article.

3. Time Selection- The time selection tool will control the data displayed or graphed on certain time-sensitive cards within the Dashboard.

4. Save- The Save button will save the current Dashboard configuration and direct the user back to the My Dashboards page.

5. Cancel- Cancelling the Dashboard will delete the new Dashboard and direct the user back to the My Dashboards page.


Editing an Existing Dashboard

After a Dashboard has been created, the Dashboard can be accessed within the My Dashboards window by clicking on the title of the Dashboard. The Dashboard will open, providing the user with the previously configured Dashboard and cards. 


1. Time Selection- The time selection tool will control the data displayed or graphed on certain time-sensitive cards within the Dashboard.

2. Sharing Options- The sharing icon opens up a window (pictured below) allowing the user to change the privacy settings of the selected Dashboard. The default setting creates the Dashboard as "Private". The user can choose to share the Dashboard with a restricted group of users or project-wide.


3. Edit Dashboard- Clicking the Edit pencil icon allows the user to rename the Dashboard, add cards or edit existing cards, and move and resize cards on the Dashboard. To move a card within the Edit Dashboard interface, click and drag the card you would like to move. To resize a card within the Edit Dashboard interface, click on the lower right corner of the card and drag the corner to resize the card.

4. Delete Dashboard- Clicking the Trashcan icon will delete the current Dashboard.