Sensor Events


Users with Data Analyst project rights and above can create or modify events. Navigate to the sensor details page to view all events associated with a sensor and add new events. Events can be visually displayed for a specific sensor in the Graphs portion of the Data module and new Events can also be added on the Graph. The event will be associated to a specific data point and it will appear on any graph containing the sensor. Reports can also be customized to display events as well. 

This article covers the following topics:

Sensor Events Card

To view all events associated with a sensor or add a new Event, click on the sensor name in the Connectivity Module. You will see the sensor's details page with various sensor cards.

Clicking on an existing event will open the event modal where you can make any necessary changes or view the event description. Click the plus button in the top right corner of the card to create a new event. Events created in the sensor card will persist into all graph profiles if the sensor in question is displayed on the graph and the  "Show custom events" toggle is selected in Graphs.

Sensor Events in Graphs Module

Creating an event will associate the event to a specific data point on a sensor. The event will persist into all graphing profiles, and will be visible if the 'show custom events' box is checked in the flyout panel. Events can be created in the graphing module or in the sensor's detail page.

In the graphing module, click the  icon to enable event mode. With event mode enabled, click any data point on the graph to open the event modal.

After creating the event it should be visible on the graph. To exit Event Mode, click the   icon again in the left-hand side bar. If the event is not visible, you need to show custom events in the settings. Click the   icon, and check the box for 'Show custom events' under the Events heading. All sensor events will now be visible on the graph, if they occurred within the specified time parameter.

Note: If you need to modify or delete an event, simply click on the dotted event line to open the event modal.

Sensor Events in Reports

Events will also persist into reports. In the report builder, select a graphing profile containing a sensor with events. 

Select the check box "Show Events" and events will be included in the snapshot of the graphing profile. Underneath the graph, a table will display the event name, type, date, and description.