Digital Twin Viewer - IoT Sensors Widget

This article describes the IoT Sensors widget of the Digital Twin module.

The IoT Sensors widget displays the list of sensors attached to your digital twin and allows you to interact with them.

This article will cover:

Markers and Elements

Sensors can be displayed in the 3D viewport in two modes. Choose between displaying icon-like markers or rendering the graphical element that the sensor is associated with.


Elements mode colorizes iModel elements that the sensors are attached to. If sensors are not attached to elements in the iModel, those sensors cannot be highlighted with elements.


Allows you to search a sensor by name from the potentially long list. It is case-insensitive and supports partial strings.



Sensor row buttons

Toggle visibility - Click on this button to control the visibility of the individual sensor

Sensor status - This button shows the current status of the sensor. Green indicates that the sensor is online and functioning. Red color indicates that the sensor is offline. Grey color indicates that the sensor has been archived. In addition to these colors, a flashing halo color around the button indicates that the sensor's alert has been triggered. The color of the halo indicates the severity of the alert.

Place sensor - Attach a sensor at a location by snapping on the graphical element, background map, terrain, reality data, or any other graphical object in the Digital Twin viewer. This tool saves the latitude, longitude, and elevation value in the sensor.

Remove sensor - Detach a sensor from its location. This tool clears the latitude, longitude, and elevation value from the sensor.

Group by Type

Sensors can be displayed either as a linear list or grouped by sensor type. Grouping by sensor type makes it easier to look at all sensors of a desired type. 

When the sensors are grouped by type, you can use the buttons 'Collapse all types' and 'Expand all types' to collapse and expand the groups. This is useful when you have a large number of sensors of several types.

Grouping sensors by type allows you to show or hide all sensors of a type in a single shot by clicking on the 'Toggle visibility' button next to the sensor type row.

Show filters

Clicking the "Show Filters" icon" opens up a number of dropdown filtering options.

Filtering options include Connections, Devices, Sensor Type, Statuses, and Alerts.

You can select multiple filtering criteria together. Sensors that match all those criteria will be listed. 

Filters can be cleared by clicking on the 'Clear all' button.


Sort the list of sensors by name, sensor type, status, observation values, or by the recent activity time.


You can control the display of sensors in the Settings panel.

Display Settings

Position Displacements

Draw displacement vectors from positional sensors such as Position ENH sensors in the form of 3D arrows.

Heatmap Display

Colorize the digital twin as a heatmap.

When configuring the heatmap based on Alerts Priority, it will be based on the alert's severity related to each of the sensors displayed on the map. The screenshot below shows the options for that selection. Descriptions of these options are provided below the image.

When configuring the heatmap based on Metrics, the heatmap display will need to be configured. The screenshot below shows the options for that selection. Descriptions of these options are provided below the image.

The heatmap for any selected criteria will look similar to the screenshot below.

Timeline Slider

Use the timeline slider at the bottom of the 3D viewport to select a historical date and time of observations to display on the sensors. You can select the date and time either on the slider or by selecting it on the date-time picker as shown below.


When a historical date and time are selected, only the sensors that were present at that time are displayed in the list and in the viewport. Observations on those sensors also pertain to the selected date and time.

Note: The alerts are always based on current observations and the current state of the sensors.

Clicking on the 'Reset to Current' button resets the timeline to the current time and continues to report the latest observations on all sensors.


The Options menu provides the following tools

Reload sensors

Reload the list of sensors and refresh their observation data

Elevate 2D sensors to 3D terrain

This tool finds the list of sensors that do not have their elevation value stored, projects them onto the 3D terrain, and stores the new elevation value in the sensor.

Place sensors by reference location

This tool allows you to automatically compute the 3D geo-location of sensors based on their saved Reference Location attributes. The screenshot below shows an example of such a sensor. 


The tool prompts the user to select the geo-coordinate system and vertical datum used while entering Reference Location attributes in the sensors. An optional elevation correction offset can also be specified. The tool displays the geo-coordinate system and vertical datum of the iModel (this information cannot be altered). The two geo-coordinate systems and vertical datums are required for transforming Reference Location coordinates to the final Latitude/Longitude/Elevation coordinates. When the user clicks on the Proceed button, the tool iterates through the sensors that do not contain Location data, transforms the Reference Location coordinates to Latitude/Longitude/Elevation coordinates, and saves it in the Location fields of the sensor.