Best Practices for Posting to the SELECTserver and Product Activation Forum.


Welcome to the SELECTserver and Product Activation Forum!

  • Bentley Colleagues, Users and Be Communities MVPs continually monitor this forum!
  • Contribute to and benefit from the knowledge of the Entire Bentley Network. Your voice matters!


Have a Technical Support question regarding Product Activation or SELECTserver?

*Before you post* Your question may have already been answered!
Try searching for your inquiry in our Forums or on our TechNotes and FAQ's page!

Otherwise, to alleviate the need for follow-up questions and answers while we work to quickly solve your inquiry, please include your current product and licensing configuration information, including.

  • Do you utilize SELECTserver Online (a Bentley-hosted server)?
  • What is the exact error message you are receiving?
  • Which product(s) and version(s) are you experiencing the issue with?
            - If you are using a Locally Deployed SELECTserver, which version of SELECTserver?
             - Can you access the SELECTserver administration page?
             - If possible, please Upload your Logs File.
  • Can you provide any screenshots that detail the error or issue?
            - Read how to securely upload your files in our Be Communities Secure File Upload.


**Please be sure to NOT include your organization's private Site Activation Key in the public forum**

Helpful Hint: Be on the lookout for these badges to know that you are in the hands of Bentley Colleagues and Bentley-Recognized Experts.


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