EVD Reporting Guide

This article provides supplemental information regarding the user registration requirement to qualify for the Earned Value Discount (EVD), as well as steps and tools to address known user issues.

Information about your organization’s EVD qualification status can be found in the Subscription Services Portal by selecting the Subscription Analytics tile and navigating to the EVD Scorecard. 


The status of how many machines have users registered and signed in, is reported upon on the Connected User tab

Scope:  The machines shown in the report that are used to determine the qualification are based on the following:

  1. The user has accessed a Bentley desktop or client application that generates production-counted usage.
    1. For example, 10 minutes or greater for a desktop application such as MicroStation.
    2. Excluded Products: SELECTserver, SELECTserver Gateway, CONNECTION Client, and Bentley View V8i.
  2. The access has occurred within the past 60 days.
    1. After 60 days without product use the machine will no longer appear on the report.


Registration Process:  Each machine demonstrating usage in the Earned Value Scorecard must have the user of the machine registered and signed in to satisfy the registration requirement.  The process is as follows:

  1. Register the users in Bentley User Management: https://communities.bentley.com/communities/other_communities/sign-in_assistance_and_web_services/w/wiki/33564/connected-user-set-up
  2. Sign in to the Connection Client on each machine that utilizes a Bentley Desktop or Client application as noted in the Scope.
    1. If a user utilizes a Bentley application on more than one machine, they must sign in to the CONNECTION Client on each machine.
    2. If Virtual Machines are used, a user must sign in to the CONNECTION Client on each of those VM’s as they count toward the total machine count.

Please note these 2 things: 

1. It can take up to 3 days for a user’s sign in on a machine to appear on the Earned Value Discount Scorecard.  Please take this into account before contacting Bentley for assistance

2. For the user to show up on the report, the order as mentioned above must be followed.  Users needs to register, then sign in to the CONNECTION Client, followed by using a Bentley application that records usage.


Known Issues:

We have seen the following issues that can cause the CONNECTED User registration requirement not to be met.

  1. Not signing into the CONNECTION Client on each machine upon which the user accesses a Bentley desktop and client application.
  2. Required Bentley sites not being whitelisted. A list of the whitelisted sites can be found here: https://communities.bentley.com/communities/other_communities/sign-in_assistance_and_web_services/w/wiki/36380/faq
  3. The License Client is not running on the machine (while the CONNECTION Client is running)


To assist users in successful registration versions on CONNECTION Client later than contain the following enhancements:

  1. Monitoring and self-correcting capabilities to ensure the license client is properly executing on the machine.
  2. A visual warning banner on the CONNECTION Client to alert users if issues preventing successful registration data being transmitted is detected. This banner is for informational purposes only and appears when certain known conditions are present.
  3. A link to the Health Check utility with additional resources to determine if the CONNECTION Client functionality is working properly.


Technical Information:

You can verify it additionally by opening the Windows Task Manager.


Still Encountering Issues?:

Identify the individual machines in the Earned Value Discount Report (CONNECTED Users tab) which show a status of No in the column Is CONNECTED User.  It is recommended that you install the most recent version of CONNECTION Client on such machines immediately and then re-examine the report after the user has signed in.  If it appears from your investigation that a user is signed in and has been for at least 3 days, you may submit a Service Request for Technical Support to investigate the logs from that machine to identify if there is an unexpected problem.

To assist Technical Support, you will be asked to provide log information:

            The .exe is located here:  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bentley Shared\CONNECTION Client

            The .exe is located here:  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bentley Shared\CONNECTION Client\LicenseService  

If the following message appears when your CONNECTION Client starts: Issue with the usage reporting detected. Please run the Health Check tool or click her to learn more it means either the license service isn't running or no usage has been sent in the last 7 days. Signing in will resolve the message.

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