New in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 11: Perforators (Technology Preview)

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 11 introduces an exciting new feature: Perforators (Technology Preview)

Functional Components get smarter, taking 3D parametric modeling a step further. 


When creating a parametric cell, you can now tag one or more parametric solids as "perforators" so that these will perforate their target solids when placed in a dgn file.


Making a solid a perforator is very simple, you only need to select the "Define Perforator" button in the "Content" Ribbon Group, then select the solid you want to be a perforator and accept. 

There is an option to hide a perforator after placement, which means the perforating solid will not be shown in the dgn file after having perforated their target solid.

The perforation is associated with the parametric cell instance so that it will follow the cell if this is moved and deleted in case the cell is deleted.

A parametric cell with one or more perforators can be applied to parametric and smart solid, in the latter case the smart solid will be upgraded to a parametric solid in roder to maintain the dependency.

A parametric cell can contain multiple perforators, each one with its own "show/hide after placement" setting.

As this is a Technology Preview feature, remember that it is still not to be used in production environment or data and pelase share your feedback with us!