Tom Stogdill responds to users questions about the MicroStation CONNECT Edition interface at LEARNing Conference

Live from the Seattle LEARNing Conference, Bentley's Frank Conforti reported on "one of the more lively sessions at the event so far" writing about Tom Stogdill's Why the Ribbon: Navigating the User Interface in MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Five minutes into the session "a room full of administrators and managers insisted he spend time focusing on the new work environment configuration reorganization in the MicroStation CONNECT edition early access version".

Frank shares more highlights and key takeaways in his blog in the LEARNing Conferences Community. #Bentley15

If you'd like to learn about "The Ribbon" and other ways to customize the CONNECT Edition interface, take a look at the new Learning Path Create a Custom User Experience in MicroStation CONNECT Edition, accessible in the Bentley LEARNserver.

If you have questions about navigating the CONNECT Edition interface, be sure to post them in the MicroStation Forum.