Microstation V8i SS3 - DWG Export units


I am trying to convert microstation dgn files to autocad dwg format for issue to our client.

I am working with my master units set to meters, and my sub units to millimeters. However when i convert the DGN to dwg, it always sets the drawing units in AutoCAD to feet, and sometimes sets the type to architectural, instead of decimal. I have set my units type in the dwg saveas options to master units, and have also tried over riding this and setting to metres. I still get the same issue.

Is there anywhere else that this needs to be set within microstation. via a variable or some other way?

Thanks in advance


  • That is totally unexpected. Can you post a simple test DGN file so we can take a look?

  • Don,

    I have attached  sample DGN file as requested. I have also added the dwg file that is created from the export process.

    Just give you some more information on my workflow:

    3D model created with Aecosim SS5. Dynamic views and section extractions are then set up from a separate model using Microstation SS3. The sections are annotated etc. and then saved to Autocad format for the final drawing deliverable.

    Thanks for taking a look.

    StephenSample dgn.zip

  • This file somehow has some inconsistent unit settings: the storage units are in feet (3048000/foot) and the design center units are also set to feet. The storage units (aka UOR's seen under Advanced Settings in working units) should not impact DWG save but the design center units (e.g. keyin "DWG INSUNITS") does. This setting normally directly came from a DWG file, but your workflow does not seem to suggest this to be the case. Your workflow appears to be done only in DGN workmode thus should not have this variable set. Maybe the file was initially setup for Feet and later on changed to Meters, but left the storage and design center units unsync'ed?

    That said, MicroStation still should save this DGN file as a DWG file and correctly set the design center units in Meters regardless what existing design center units are in the source DGN file. The design center units should only be used for directly editing and saving a DWG file. I have verified this on CONNECT and it does set the units to Meters when your file is saved as DWG. For SS3 and AECOSim SS5, you can fix the design center units with a keyin "DWG INSUNITS 6" for Meters or "DWG INSUNITS 0" to remove it. That should allow the SS3's SaveAs operation to create a DWG file in Meters.

    Answer Verified By: Stephen Grigg 

  • Don,
    Thanks for taking a look and for the detailed answer. It is possible that the original seed file was created in an imperial setting. When we first set our seed files within ABD we were using it out of the box with the US datasets and not the ANZ ones. These were all defaulted to feet and inches. This is the only thing i can think of that could have caused this.

    I will re create our seed files for any new drawings going forward, and we can use the keyin you noted above, for the files that are already created.

  • Don,
    Thanks for taking a look and for the detailed answer. It is possible that the original seed file was created in an imperial setting. When we first set our seed files within ABD we were using it out of the box with the US datasets and not the ANZ ones. These were all defaulted to feet and inches. This is the only thing i can think of that could have caused this.

    I will re create our seed files for any new drawings going forward, and we can use the keyin you noted above, for the files that are already created.

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