Unfamiliar error message after verifydgn has been ran

After running the verifydgn MDL app in a file that we were having some issues with, this message was returned:

verifyElm_hdr_type96Level error: unknown TABLE_ELM element level 23

Has anyone else received this error message?  I'm not sure if the file is ok or if there is still a problem with it.  We initially had the duplicate level table error, which we ran the fix for and has been resolved, but this message is new to me.  If there is still a problem with this file, is there a remedy or will I have to create a new file and reference this file into it.



  • Hello Kevin,

    I'm not really familiar with error messages, but I read "Level error" and "Table". That could be an error in the level table, of wich I happen to know can be fixed.

    Open the corrupted file.
    Open the Key In window.
    Keyin (without quotes) "MDL L LEVELAUDIT"

    Be certain to make a backup beforehand.

    Ivo Blaauw
    = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Look what the CAD dragged in...

  • This error is nothing to worry about, it's just a new table element permutation (this one is related to lighting). The verifydgn application either missed being updated to add this to it's list of known types for the release, or you are running an older version (I don't know which is the case). This has absolutely nothing to do with levels. HTH
