CE - Reference path lost after reference attachment model swap


I have discovered an issue with reference files  losing their file path if a certain set of steps are taken.  This issue doesn't happen to ALL files, which makes it harder to pin point a reason.


If I exchange to a file all is OK, if I swap the model first and then try and exchange the file path is lost.

The steps taken.....

Verified that ALL reference files paths are mapped via MS_RFDIR, the reference file is healthy and contains the models/layouts etc.

Verify the reference file is OK, each model space can be opened and no issues encountered

Open the DGN in the correct Workspace/Workset

Link the DGN to the Workset

Open the reference dialog and check the reference path and verify it is correct, the reference is displayed OK etc...

Select the reference file, which happens to be a DWG, but this issue also applies to DGNs, right click Exchange

The file exchanges OK

Re-open the original dgn

Open the reference attachment settings

Change the  attachment model i.e. layout1

ERROR ...####

I get an error dialog saying 'Unable to reattach to model Layout1'

Select OK

Check the Reference file attachment settings and the File path is not longer valid

To correct the issue, I have to reattach the file.


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