CE - Smart model (primitive) becomes Parametric model after cut

Why does a smart model become a parametric model after a cut is used?.

I received this issue from our Academic user base....

If I create a Primitive solid (cube) in CE.  I then place a shape to use as a cutting profile.  Cut the solid and end up with what I would expect.  However, if I look at the properties of this model , it has changed from a smart solid to a parametric solid.  WHY?

If I then open this in ABD V8i, promoting it to an ABD part.  ABD reports that this is an “extended element” - WHY?

  • How can I use a solid between CE and V8i?
  • How can I stop a smart solid from changing to a parametric solid?
  • What does 'Extended element mean?

Ian Lapper

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