Microstation connect - level display in drop-down menu

how can I activate the button for hide/display the level in the drop-down menu?

Microstation V8 example:


Microstation Connect example:


Parents Reply
  • No way to bring that back that I know of in the current CONNECT version. Bentley might be considering bringing it back in an update, but I haven't heard anything about that.
    You can use Level Display for a (View, Global or Freeze) Hide/Display toggle for Levels or the Level Manager for just a Global Display (and Freeze) toggle.
    Setting a Level to the Active Level will set Display on and Freeze off in the active View (or all Views depending on Preferences).
    To switch display off you can use Level Off in the context menu when you hold down the right mouse button.

    Obviously you found it handy, but I'm not convinced it's all that necessary.

    Answer Verified By: mago mago 
