IDEAS - What will Bentley do with them and when?

I have just reviewed the IDEAS in this forum and there are a lot of very good IDEAS and some have been either promoted or demoted in popularity.  But as yet, I cannot recall seeing any of them implemented.  Some of them were suggested at the EAP stage and still didn't make it into the products.....

My questions are:  

  • Have Bentley done anything (reviewed) with these IDEAS?
  • Which IDEAS will become part of the product(s) and what time frame........? (if any)
  • Have we wasted our time suggesting IDEAS?

and finally, will Bentley expose their development plans for the next 12 months, so we can vote on what WE want to be included or not.  (maybe offer this VOTE to those key uses that are ACTIVE in the forums....)


  • OK we now have CONNECT 3 available for use. I have just reviewed the list of the resolved issues.

    Now here's the thing... we the users have spent time again putting ideas and SRs, CR/TRs etc. together and looking at the link above, there isnt any movement on our ideas. Also, who defines what will be fixed. Although its great to see fixes, but are theses the most important ones.......

    Can Bentley let us know via the Ideas, what they deem as ... This will be added in the next 3, 6 12 months

    I know its not Bentley policy to state what you are fixing, but can you not update the author of the SR, CR/TR that you are working on the issue. We don't hear anything....

    Thank you

  • Well I have to disagree with you somewhat there Ian. The updates are primarily for fixing bugs and that's what Bentley is doing with them. Many of these resolved issues used to result in ungraceful exits. I think it's pretty important to get those out of the way first. You don't want the software you use almost every day crashing over and over again.

    These great new Ideas we have, are often quite significant and new functionality. This is more likely something to be considered for a major future version, not something that'll be added in a 3-monthly update.

    Fixing stuff, to make the software more usable, was the goal of these updates IIRC.
    Real new ideas are something to be considered for a development cycle of a year or maybe 2.

    It's important to clean up what was in the initial release of CONNECT, because a lot of it was very much broken.
  • Well I have to disagree with you somewhat there Ian. The updates are primarily for fixing bugs and that's what Bentley is doing with them. Many of these resolved issues used to result in ungraceful exits. I think it's pretty important to get those out of the way first. You don't want the software you use almost every day crashing over and over again.

    These great new Ideas we have, are often quite significant and new functionality. This is more likely something to be considered for a major future version, not something that'll be added in a 3-monthly update.

    Fixing stuff, to make the software more usable, was the goal of these updates IIRC.
    Real new ideas are something to be considered for a development cycle of a year or maybe 2.

    It's important to clean up what was in the initial release of CONNECT, because a lot of it was very much broken.
  • Hello All,

    As Koert has described, our past three releases of MicroStation CONNECT Edition have been primarily focused on defect fixing and this will continue with MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 4. We do appreciate the feedback and the ideas that have been generated on the Ideas forum. Rest assured, we are looking at them.

    We are working on a process and direction for the ideas forum, although it is still in the beginning stages. We will certainly update the forum here as we move forward in the next few months, so please be patient.


    Daniel Eng

  • HI Bentley.....

    So this question was raised 1 year ago...  Looking at the IDEAS page and the top 26 (except the Bentley View) are flagged as 'under review'.  In the top 30 only one is flagged as 'Under consideration'.  To me that means nothing is happening, nothing is going to happen and if it was to happen it might take a few years to see it in the product.

    The IDEA's are tools, functionality that the Bentley users deem IMPORTANT.

    Please can you give us a Roadmap of what will be included in future builds. 

    In simple terms... its the difference between committing to CE, committing to Bentley or NOT.

    Sorry if that sounds harsh... but you need to keep the users happy