Mirror text about element center is wrong


I suspect that there is error in microstation Connect and  V8i.

When I mirror a text on its center point this text is moved to the left with a certain distance depending on the text size.





  • Are you sure it's not mirroring about the justification point? I seem to recall that "about Center" with text will use the justification instead of the exact center. Or am I just confused?


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • Hmmm, quite an interesting observation. With text the justification point, I believe, is the "center" of the element. So, I would think that if you are mirroring text About Element Center it should be using this point. I have tested this in the major versions of MicroStation going to back to V8 2004 and they all show this small discrepency in the position of the text as per how you have described. It also does not appear to matter which sort of justification is used with the placed text as you can see here with Top Left and Centre Centre. I have an idea that this is actually Working As Designed (WAD) and is related to the sizing of text using pixels rather than working units but will have to investigate further.

    Andrew Bell
    Technical Support
    Bentley Systems