[CONNECT] Export XYZ Text

What types of element are suitable for use with the XYZ Export tool in CONNECT?

I ask the question because I find that I can export cell coordinates successfully, but text elements give me a text file full of 0,0,0.  MicroStation help doesn't mention any restriction.

Parents Reply
  • Defect 967610 has been partially addressed in Update 14, in that now when first used the Browse button in Import\Export Coordinates tool opens to dgn's directory.

    A new defect 1079158 has been raised to address when exported\imported to any other directory than the dgn's directory, in that the next time when used it still opens to dgn's directory. Instead should open to last used directory. This defect is currently scheduled to be addressed in Update 15.


    Carl Myhill

    Technical Support Engineer

    Bentley Systems


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