Microstation - Crosshair Color Turns Black on Surface Pro 4

In our office, we're having problems with Microsoft Surface Pro 4's doing the black/white crosshair switch, where it's white when you first power on or restart the machine, then after using Microstation for a minute or so the cursor turns black and can't be seen on a black background, which is out typical method of working.

We have updated video drivers, removed and reinstalled video drivers, installed all firmware and driver updates and yet Microstation continues to have this problem with the cursor turning black.  Even using the key-in 'xor' doesn't affect the color of the crosshair.  We have checked the RGB values of the crosshair in Microstation and it's set to 0,0,0.

So, my question is to Bentley, are you certifying the Surface Pro's at all for use with Microstation?