[CONNECT U7] Using Bing Maps as a Background vs Raster Manager

I'm signed into CONNECTION Client, and can use Raster Manager to attach Bing Map content. It's my understanding that it is also possible to set a "background" of Bing Map content. However, when I try, I get nothing (just my normal MicroStation graphics): If I use Raster Manager, I see Bing Map content. I'm in a 2D model with a GCS attached. Is anything else required?



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  • I've done additional test. I am using Windows 10, and do not see a background map. I have waited minutes, and no background. Next, I went to a Windows 7 desktop and installed U7. With it, I can use Raster Manager, again with no problems, but the view background does not work. Additionally, when the view background is NOT set to "none", U7 "hangs" when I exit the application. So, I guess maybe it is attempting to load the Bing Map content, but it seems to be getting hung. Why it works under Raster Manager and not Background - who knows. Are they retrieving Bing Map content differently?

  • Bruce, after you try that file, please enter the command "backgroundmap statistics" and look in MicroStation's message center. What does it say there?

    Does your company have an http proxy server?

    Here is what I am seeing:

  • Yes - We are using a proxy server. Here is what the keyin returns:

    I am waiting on one of our IT Security folks to get back with me. We had to do some configuration changes last week in order to the Bing Map content working when using CONNECTION Client and Raster Manager. I just assumed since it was working now with Raster Manager, that the Background would work as well..

  • I think that means that our very first call to the Bing Maps REST Api is not getting a reply. We are sending an http request to this URL:

    http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Metadata/Aerial?o=json&incl=ImageryProviders&key=<some long gibberish>

    Can you tell me what configuration changes you made to get Raster Manager working?


  • Unfortunately I do not know what the IT Security folks did. We initially had problems with CONNECTION client. We have a deployed SelectServer instance. When CONNECTION Client initially loads, it needed a username/password to get "outside" the firewall, before the CONNECTION Client login box appeared. The recommendation was to configure the proxy setting in the license manager, but when we included our proxy server information, then the license manager complained it could not see our internal license server. More investigation revealed that the recommended approach was to open a number of URL's and ports in the firewall. When IT Security got involved, they won't just open something. For example: www.google-analytics.com. Our policy is to be as restrictive as possible, and we absolutely will not allow anything "cloud based". 

    So, I'm not sure just what they have and have not allowed. All I know is that 1) CONNECTION Client now loads the login screen with a user having to provide proxy validation; 2) Bing Maps via Raster Manager is also working.

    I'm waiting to get back with the IT folks to investigate this more. The info on the initial URL being called may help greatly with the tracking. They monitor the firewall to see where the traffic is going. If it's going to that URL and being blocked, they can figure it out and maybe allow it to pass...