[CONNECT U7] Using Bing Maps as a Background vs Raster Manager

I'm signed into CONNECTION Client, and can use Raster Manager to attach Bing Map content. It's my understanding that it is also possible to set a "background" of Bing Map content. However, when I try, I get nothing (just my normal MicroStation graphics): If I use Raster Manager, I see Bing Map content. I'm in a 2D model with a GCS attached. Is anything else required?



  • Hi Bruce

    It worked for me too, I can see the Map. I am using MicroStation CONNECT Edition on Windows 10 x64.  Also, it may be a latency problem with your internet connection, so you might want to wait a few seconds, though for me it was almost instant.  You might want to re-install MicroStation.

  • I've done additional test. I am using Windows 10, and do not see a background map. I have waited minutes, and no background. Next, I went to a Windows 7 desktop and installed U7. With it, I can use Raster Manager, again with no problems, but the view background does not work. Additionally, when the view background is NOT set to "none", U7 "hangs" when I exit the application. So, I guess maybe it is attempting to load the Bing Map content, but it seems to be getting hung. Why it works under Raster Manager and not Background - who knows. Are they retrieving Bing Map content differently?

  • Our Cyber Security folks have done a trace on the web traffic when the use of Background Maps is attempted. They have determined that MicroStation is trying to go to They do not know what that server is. There is no "exception" in our firewall for that location, so the fireweall denial rule is blocking the traffic. What is that IP address? If the cyber folks know where that is, they "might" allow the traffic to pass. They told me also that MicroStation, when trying to access that location is NOT going through the proxy - it's going directly to the firewall...(where its being blocked).

  • Bruce, 

    When I type that into my browser (Chrome), it takes me directly to the Bing Maps site. We're using http requests in the code, I guess something behind the scenes maps that to the actual IP address. I'll ask somebody in our web security group if they know what's going on.


  • I've been away from the office for the holidays, as have our Cyber Security folks. Once I give them a day to catch up on e-mails, I'll forward this conversation back to them, and try to make more progress. I don't think the issue will be the attempts to go to Bing Maps ( as much as the issue that the Bing Map "Background" apparently is NOT going thru the proxy...

  • Well, I thought with the release of CONNECT that I would have better success with Bing Maps as a background. I have just tried once again by using Raster Manager, and still get no map. After attempting to use Bing Maps (Raster Manager->File->Attach->Bin Maps) no image appears. Looking at the Message center shows:

    The specified authentication login name or password in invalid -[7060]

    and when I key in BACKGROUNDMAP STATISTICS , I see "Background Map Statistics: 0 tiles drawn".

    If I try to turn on Bing Maps thru the view attributes, again, no map is shown (and no messages in the Message Center). I *am* logged into the CONNECTION Client, and do have a GCS assigned.

    I seem to recall this "problem" was additionally discussed in the Bentley Map forum.

  • In U10 (releasing in two weeks) we added a Proxy dialog for Reality Meshes and Raster. There is one dialog for both and it is found in the Reality Mesh dialog. This dialog is well hidden in U10 and will be exposed in the User Preferences from U11 forward. Find it here:

    Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh > Attach Reality Mesh > ProjectWise ContextShare Browser > Reality Data Settings

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  • Well, thank's for the suggestion. Still no Bing Maps. I found and set the proxy information in the Proxy dialog. As soon as I did that, the host dialog box displayed "Unable to Access ContextShare Cloud Service. Please check Message Center for further details." In the message center it said "An error occurred reading reality mesh: Unable to Access ContextShare Cloud Service". I tried to turn the maps "on" under the view control, and nothing happened. I then tried to use Raster Manager to attach to Bing Maps and I got the "The specified authentication login name or password is invalid - [7060]".

    Our company does block ALL Cloud based access and we DO use a Proxy Server. When I key in "backgroundmap statistics" I get "Background Map Statistics: 0 tiles drawn". We are currently using a deployed (i.e. in-house) Select Server for licensing, so altering the proxy settings there clobbers our Bentley licenses.

    Will the experience on U10 be the same as I'm having in U9?
