Rounding Dimension Units

V8i SS4 WIn7

I have asked this before, but it has been a long time.

I Want to create a dimension style that rounds to the nearest 0.5 ft (MU). Not 1/2 ft, but 0.5 ft. I can't have any scripts or keyins unless they are automatically run when the dimension is placed.

Reading this I see that I can accomplish what I want in the DIN Dimensioning settings.

My questions are two:

Is there a way to have the superscript be larger? I can live with a superscript (though I'd rather just have it be in decimal form, ex.  0.0 or 0.5), but with the size of the text we use (small to begin with), the superscript character will be unreadable.

I checked on Trailing Zero in the Units>Primary category, but the dimensions rounded to 0.0 are not showing the zero after the decimal. For ex. from 457.22, I want to see "457.0", not "457".

thanks for any advice. I want to create a task pane for this for my users. I dont' want them to have to think about it (run keyins or scripts) because someone will forget. Just select the tool and go to town.