Property driven annotation connected to an element in a reference file.

Hello Everyone,

I have a 3D model with cells connected to item types.
My need is to show these properties on drawing, so I create a property driven annotation (label cell whit text fields connected to an item type properties).
Everything works fine in the design model, but when I place this file as a reference (in a sheet, for example) I'm not able to connect labels to the elements.

Now, my question is:

is possible to "attach" a property driven annotation to an element contained in a reference file and show the element property inside the label?

Thank you in advance.

  • UPDATE: I partially solved my problem.

    The cell that I was trying to attach the label to, was a shared cell, and as far I see, the property driven annotation works better with normal cell.

    I'll explain:

    •  when I use the label in the master model everythings works fine, either on normal cell and shared cell.
    • when I attach the file as a reference in a sheet file 2D or in a design file, the label works, but if the "visible edge" option of reference is set on "dynamic" I can attach the label only on normal cell. See image below:

    While, if  the visible edges are "cached" I can attach the label on both elements.

    This is what I found working with label and 3D cells. I hope that is the solution and it has been helpful.
    By the way, thanks for your help and I'm waiting some advice or different opinion for how to work with property driven annotation.

    P.s.: this is the visible edge option:

    Answer Verified By: Matteo Sodomaco 

  • I'm waiting some advice or different opinion for how to work with property driven annotation

    I suggest that you start a new post for that topic.

    when I place this file as a reference I'm not able to connect labels to the elements.

    Why?  Because it's a different question: your original question, which you've marked as answered, is about a problem with referenced elements.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • My problem was that I tried to attach a label (with text field connected to an element's property) to an element contained in a reference file.
    And, when I tried to attach the label, the label showed "###", it seemed like it couldn't take the property (as show in the image above).
    I think that I had this problem becouse I was working with shared cells and the visible edges option setted on "dynamic".

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