CR: Links - Drag and Drop on to Elements in Reference Files

Looking at some of the new functionality that seem to allow more persistent links between elements stored in separate files, I would like to be able to attach Links to elements in Ref files.

This would be similar to the way Redline overlays in Navigator are generated and managed currently.. in that you are always working in a 'container' model that references the content under review.

Most if not all infrastructure jobs are assurance-heavy. Everything that is produced by the modeler will get checked by multiple checkers and stakeholders. You do not want all those Redlines and Links in the modeler's file.

At the same time, the checker will not want to re-build all those links every time the model comes back for review. Yes, that is virtually guranteed as well. Whatever comment you make, you need to check has been addressed.

Mstn's Ref files/Hypermodeling tools and Engineering Links both offer a really flexible and poweful way of working that supports overlaying information is a collaborative, spatially-indexed and targeted way. It would be good to remove the barrier betwen E-Links and the federated way of working that Ref files are based on.

This kind of cross file links is increasingly de riguer in the BIM world; with increasing emphasis given to things like versioning and GUID's in industry level formats like IFC. Not sure how ProStructures tracks the elements in the external Mstn solids. I understand that ElementID's are now less volatile; and not re-used when an element is deleted; and guaranteed to be unique within the model. Should be good enough?

It may not seem like much of a change, but will resonate.