Fit view malfunction

When working on a project, I used the "Fit View" tool. When used, the view expanded ridiculously far. I am not sure what the issue is or what setting can be used to modify this. I tried changing what the files used for the view but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached the file that we are having problems with also. The drawing that has been done in this file is in view 6.Fit View Issue.dgn

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  • Play with it, you'll figure it out. Sometimes selecting the elements will help. When you fit a screen stuff will generally position consistently, if you can see one part, you can zoom in on the other part. There is also a fence mode that will allow you to delete the void, but usually we like to see what is there.

    Connect r17 self-employed-Unpaid Beta tester for Bentley

  • You also have a text element that has no text in it. Which shows up invisible.

    Those elements outside your working area, hence you can not zoom in on them. But you can alter their location by editing X and Y through the element information dialog.

    If you want to select everything that is outside your regular field try the following.

    Select everyting in the model by using the select tool and press the little globe icon. Or keyIn CHOOSE ALL. (24 items total)

    Then deselect the items that  you want to keep (title block and print border) (22 items).

    You now have 2 elements in your selection set, which are outside your working area. You can inspect them with the element information dialog or just delete them.

    Ivo Blaauw
    = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Look what the CAD dragged in...

  • I am kicking myself for spending that much time and not thinking of that simple of a solution. Thanks for the help!