Add up total length of selected lines

I know you can use the measure length tool to quickly measure a line, curve, etc. But it there a command or macro that you can use to select any number of lines, curves, etc and have the total length added up and displayed?

Parents Reply
  • you should use the utility data clean up remove duplicates before you attempt measure lines and arcs  with powerselector  global or by level as you will measure more than you expect.. I found this with a kerblines and shapes that came from autocad as they make fills as separate elements so we have twice the polygons... also errors creep in with copy lines in drawings  so I always run the  delete duplicates from the data cleanup tool before I start measuring bulk elements... if I use a small crossing window I can see how many elements on screen and compare it with the bottom  button window ( forgot its name) as it tells you the number of elements selected ...


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