CR: Measure Distance: Min/Max Between

1. Can the Measure Distance tool be enhanced to work with negative distances, please? At the moment, it reports a 0.0mm distance when the Solids overlap. This is of course incorrect and misleading. Defect?

2. I assume that the purple line indicates the minimum distance ray. Can this be converted into something more persistent like a Line or Dimension? This would allow the information to be more useful in an 'engineering' sense.

3. It would be useful to be able to select particular subelements of the Solids (like the way the new 3d Constraint tool works). This way the user can determine the min distance between the Cylinder's centreline and say the edge or corner of the slab.

Parents Reply
  • 1. If they overlap zero is correct. I don't get what negative minimum distance would even be.

    Zero can not be correct. Think of when two solids clash. If you have been involved with any clash detection exercises, there is always a discussion about what constitute a clash. There are a lot of 'clashes' where the 3d elements only overlap very slightly. But at some point, the overlap is too big to ignore and will be considered a clash. In our terms, the larger the 'clash' the large the negative distance.

    Try construct line minimum.

    Construct line minimum does not work on Solids. You get a 'Element not valid for this tool' message.

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