Fence clip/crop - v8.11.9.578

OS is Windows 10, Microstation version is v8.11.9.578

I have placed a fence around an area of interest on a DGN drawing created by someone else.  This drawing contains a topographic contour elevation map with highway alignments.  I want to delete everything outside of the fence to reduce the file size.  The pull-down menus available at top of screen are File, Edit, Element, Settings, Tools, Utilities, Workspace, Window, and Help.  I found some instructions for pre-v8i.  Anybody?  Thanks.

  • there are a couple of ways to do this, make a  back up first , so you can go back to original, now only work on the back upcopy

    1st way  you want to delete a lot of data, create a fence  easiest way  just 2  point block top left to bottom right  while holding down the left mouse button to define the extent of the fence,  set the fence to void clip, then from the fence tools modify select delete fence contents and accept by data point any where on screen, this will then remove everything outside the fence and trim any that cross the fence leaving only the fence contents.

    2nd way 

    create the same fence same place  but use clip instead of void and  key in FF=      and press enter you will be prompted for a file name and path to save the contents

    this will then clip contents of the fence and create a new file with only the trimmed out  or cut content of the fence, now you have both the old big  and new smaller file

    3rd way,

    create a new file and  ref attach the original untouched topo  file, place a fence and use clip, now from ref manager select clip reference, choose  the fence option and data point to accept now only the area of interest is visible from ref manager 

     now from the ref manager select merge ref and data point to accept you now have only the clipped contents in your new file ... this is my prefered way . 

    Tip go to the source file first draw a Box so you can see the area you want, then when you ref attach this topo you can quickly see where you wanted to capture, use  fence element , clip to place your fence.. then clip ref and merge. 

    Delete the box elements of your box, return to the original file and put some text on a unused or new level and annotate inside the box the file name you clipped it to  for quick reference later...


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

    But was long time user V8iss10 ( dabbler CE  update 16 ( 

    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
    click link to PM me 

  • there are a couple of ways to do this, make a  back up first , so you can go back to original, now only work on the back upcopy

    1st way  you want to delete a lot of data, create a fence  easiest way  just 2  point block top left to bottom right  while holding down the left mouse button to define the extent of the fence,  set the fence to void clip, then from the fence tools modify select delete fence contents and accept by data point any where on screen, this will then remove everything outside the fence and trim any that cross the fence leaving only the fence contents.

    2nd way 

    create the same fence same place  but use clip instead of void and  key in FF=      and press enter you will be prompted for a file name and path to save the contents

    this will then clip contents of the fence and create a new file with only the trimmed out  or cut content of the fence, now you have both the old big  and new smaller file

    3rd way,

    create a new file and  ref attach the original untouched topo  file, place a fence and use clip, now from ref manager select clip reference, choose  the fence option and data point to accept now only the area of interest is visible from ref manager 

     now from the ref manager select merge ref and data point to accept you now have only the clipped contents in your new file ... this is my prefered way . 

    Tip go to the source file first draw a Box so you can see the area you want, then when you ref attach this topo you can quickly see where you wanted to capture, use  fence element , clip to place your fence.. then clip ref and merge. 

    Delete the box elements of your box, return to the original file and put some text on a unused or new level and annotate inside the box the file name you clipped it to  for quick reference later...


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

    But was long time user V8iss10 ( dabbler CE  update 16 ( 

    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
    click link to PM me 

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