Like V8i ? You’ll Love CONNECT - Make Using Bing Maps a Snap by Using MicroStation CONNECT Edition

Just tried adding a Bing Map to a site plan following this blog

The aerial view drops in OK but the quality is rubbish. How do I get a better/sharper display of the map. @

Parents Reply
  • Hi Bruce

    Ill try to help as well. 

    Can you one let me know what GCS is being used, really just want to verify one is defined.  I am sure you have one but that GCS is the main requirement to make Bing Maps work.

    And can you then let me know the Update you are in U10, 9 etc. 

    And take a look at opening a design file, is it a 2D or 3D file?  And once in the file, if you go to View Attributes do you have anything that states Background Map ?

    Sorry for the possibly dumb questions.  I want to start here rule all the easy stuff out.

    So there might be an issue with firewall but just wondering if we simply have some issue with Bing Maps in Raster Manager versus Bing Maps via View Attributes.


    This is a test
