Fill in Single Data Fields

I have drawing titles set up with data fields. Color, level, font, etc are also preset. When i use the "Fill in Single Data Field"  tool, the color of the text changes. How can I prevent this from happening? This has never been an issue with any other version of Microstation.

  • Connect is buggy as a week old apple, I suggest migrating away from enter data fields of any kind (I know), try the insert field or one of the other recommended methods. If you name each sheet model (or use a description) with the drawing title you can simply edit text, select it, right click, Insert field and select the appropriate data.

    Connect r17 self-employed-Unpaid Beta tester for Bentley

  • Can anybody explain the use of enter data fields nowadays? It is like having a carburator on top of the fuel injection of a reasonable current car.

    I tend to overwrite them with text or automated fields when get them. Or is there an old time mdl that requires them? imho they made sense in times when it was not possible to edit text in a cell. Or do I forget something?

  • [Enter Data Fields] made sense in times when it was not possible to edit text in a cell

    They've been around for several decades.  Weren't they part of IGDS, from which MicroStation inherits?  They certainly pre-date more useful ways to annotate, such as NotesText Fields, Tags and, in CONNECT, Item Types.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • We must keep an open mind, lots of folks are doing lots of different things with their workflows. That being said, I recommend migrating away from them if possible. If you must stick with them, be prepared for some screwy stuff going on. I know they already suffer from justification quirks, probably some addition stuff with Connect. Enter data fields are older than Bentley Systems, and boy did we use the heck out of them in the early days. I had some users that would almost never use "place text" in lieu of using data fileds for everything.

    Connect r17 self-employed-Unpaid Beta tester for Bentley

  • Hi Gerd,

    For my section indicators/detail callouts (what ever you want to call them--see my screen shot), I have to manually enter data.  This data is not related to anything in my active dgn.  The enter data fields allow me to hit "Auto fill enter data fields", select a view, and enter a value in each empty location.

    I would love to see a sample dgn file from you showing me an alternative to do this more easily and quickly than what I have now.


  • Hi Gerd,

    For my section indicators/detail callouts (what ever you want to call them--see my screen shot), I have to manually enter data.  This data is not related to anything in my active dgn.  The enter data fields allow me to hit "Auto fill enter data fields", select a view, and enter a value in each empty location.

    I would love to see a sample dgn file from you showing me an alternative to do this more easily and quickly than what I have now.

