Design History - Combine Button greyed out, although MS_DESIGN_HISTORY=combine=1

Hello everybody,

the menu button for the combine command is greyed out, although the variable in the confiig file is set to 1. And when I use the key in: HISTORY MANAGE GUICOMBINE the tool pops up.

Has somebody experienced this problem? Am I missing a config variable, or another option to get the button to work? 

Thanks in advance. 

  • Yep. I am seeing this too.
    I'm guessing we'll have to use the keyin until a fix is issued.

    CE U12 Ver

    Greg Smith


    Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer

  • For me in MicroStation CONNECT Update 12, the 'Combine' option is available in the Ribbon with the following set in either personal.cfg or at Organizational level in standards.cfg.


    Could it be that you have not set 'delete=1' in the variable ?

    Had you restarted MicroStation following the change ?

    If you open the Configuration variables dialog ( File > Settings > Configuration > Configuration Variables ) What is your File > Show Configuration Values ' showing for the variable MS_DESIGN_HISTORY?


    Carl Myhill

    Technical Support Engineer

    Bentley Systems


  • Hi Carl and Andrew

    I've performed some testing and, WRT CONFIGURATION VARIABLES, the key word (for me) you used was "or".
    It seems one cannot have the settings in both locations, even with differing keys, as Personal overwrites the Organisational/Workpsace cfg as it is processed last.
    I'd made a POSTPEND, but this appears to have completely overwritten the other keys of the variable anyway.

    Also, DELETE=1 is supposedly not a requirement for COMBINE or RETIRE to work, but MS U12 seems to need it to activate the Ribbon icon for COMBINE=1.
    However this is at odds with the Configuration editor, which states: "MS_DESIGN_HISTORY=delete=0;combine=1;retire=1. This prevents users from deleting design history, but allows them to combine or remove revisions."


    The KEYIN  "HISTORY MANAGE GUICOMBINE" returns the following:

    1. "Permission Denied" when DELETE=0 and COMBINE=0 (Works as Designed (WAD))
    2. Opens the DIALOGUE box when DELETE=0 and COMBINE=1 (WAD)

    So the bug is definitely with the Ribbon Icon, as originally described.

    The Combine icon seems to behave strangely depending on the settings, and not as expected. i.e.
    1. When DELETE=0 and COMBINE=0, the icon is grayed out and WAD
    2. When DELETE=0 and COMBINE=1, the icon is greyed out and is the Incorrect state
    3. When DELETE=1 and COMBINE=1 the icon is available and WAD

    FWIW, the Retire icon in the above variable settings, i.e. RETIRE=0/1 WAD and as documented.

    The answer is, it is a bug.


    Microstation CE U12
    WIN10 ENT 1809

    Greg Smith


    Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer

  • Thank you for the further information/testing, Defect 630548 ( Duplicate 1049257 closed )  has been filed for development review, earlier versions did allow you to Combine History without having Delete set


    Carl Myhill

    Technical Support Engineer

    Bentley Systems


  • Awesome.
    A lot of these little "niggles" that shouldn't really be there are quite annoying.
    Too many in CE for me to fully document and some are just plain sneaky, like this one that just makes one say, "why?"

    I end up just working around them generally.

    Greg Smith


    Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer

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