Files exported from ProjectWise will not open after loading references

I am working with some ROW files that have been exported from PW because there were some issues opening them from PW. Now they are on our office server and i am having trouble opening any of them. After opening a file, all of the reference are shown to be loading from the green progress bar, then after they have loaded the window freezes for a couple of seconds and this error shows up:

The exception log is attached where the exception appears to be "Exception 0xe0434f4d" when trying to open one of the files "P:\Projects\TRN\GDOT\60558412__SR400_GEC\900-CAD-GIS\910-CAD\10-REFERENCE\ROW Managed Export\0001757_PAR537_RW Cover.dgn".

Can anyone shed light on the cause of this issue?

Thank you for your time!


  • Crash is from “CLR (Managed Exception) from .NET” and we may need a Full dump.

    I would recommend filing a Service Request to further investigate this issue. Upload the following file to Service Request.

    Please try the following suggestions…
    •  MicroStation version “MicroStation version Windows x86” is really old. Please refer to Bentley Support Policy.
       At least upgrade to latest V8i version
    •  Some VBAs are autoloaded. Load plain MicroStation and try to reproduce a crash.
    •  Some MDLs are autoloaded. Load plain MicroStation and try to reproduce a crash.
    •  Is it a file specific crash.
    •  Try moving the files to local drive (C or D) and check if a crash occurs.
       P:\Projects\TRN\GDOT\60558412__SR400_GEC\900-CAD-GIS\910-CAD\10-REFERENCE\ROW Managed Export\0001757_PAR537_RW Cover.dgn


    Answer Verified By: Taylor Brownlow