Online Help

The toggle for online versus local help seems to be a User Preference. Is there a configuration variable that can also control this behavior?

  • Tried a search in the Configuration Variables dialog but couldn't see anything.

    Tried recording a macro and had a look at the VB code for this and there does not appear to be a configuration variable defined for this.

    You could raise a new Service Request to log an Enhancement.

    Private Sub IModalDialogEvents_OnDialogOpened(ByVal DialogBoxName As String, DialogResult As MsdDialogBoxResult)
        If DialogBoxName = "Preferences [Personal]" Then
        '   Set a variable associated with a dialog box
            SetCExpressionValue "savePrefs.flags.useOnlineHelp", 1, "USERPREF"
        '   Remove the following line to let the user close the dialog box.
            DialogResult = msdDialogBoxResultOK
        End If  ' Preferences [Personal]
    End Sub

    Andrew Bell
    Technical Support
    Bentley Systems

  • Thanks Andrew an enhancement for that would be nice. We tried using %undef MS_HELPLOAD_USEBROWSER so that it would use the local CHM help but that cause no help to open. I am thinking this would be a defect. You may also want to add a defect on OpenRoads as the same user preference did nothing in OpenRoads. OpenRoads always seems to look online for its help. We used %undef MS_HELPLOAD_USEBROWSER in OpenRoads and it opened the local CHM regardless of the user setting.  I know its not an OpenRoads forum and I should post this there but... This is all tested in the latest builds on the product.


