Dgnlib file

MicroStation Select Series 10 V8i

In .dgnlib there is a level 0 and show not used. will not delete in looking further Using properties the Usage tab shows type Shared Cell Def Id REV_1_1  I tried the file compress, after that closed and re-opened

same problem. I am out of what to do BTW this was a level 56 I could not delete so I made Level 0 and remapped then deleted Level 0


  • the Usage tab shows type Shared Cell Def Id REV_1_1

    That's a shared cell definition element.  You can't delete it if there is a shared cell instance element somewhere in that DGN file. You can't delete a level if it's used by any element, so you can't delete the level until you delete the shared cell definition.

    The shared cell instance references the shared cell definition.  MicroStation won't let you remove the shared cell definition if it is referenced anywhere.  Can you see a shared cell instance named REV_1_1?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • the Usage tab shows type Shared Cell Def Id REV_1_1

    That's a shared cell definition element.  You can't delete it if there is a shared cell instance element somewhere in that DGN file. You can't delete a level if it's used by any element, so you can't delete the level until you delete the shared cell definition.

    The shared cell instance references the shared cell definition.  MicroStation won't let you remove the shared cell definition if it is referenced anywhere.  Can you see a shared cell instance named REV_1_1?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions
