Dgnlib file

MicroStation Select Series 10 V8i

In .dgnlib there is a level 0 and show not used. will not delete in looking further Using properties the Usage tab shows type Shared Cell Def Id REV_1_1  I tried the file compress, after that closed and re-opened

same problem. I am out of what to do BTW this was a level 56 I could not delete so I made Level 0 and remapped then deleted Level 0


Parents Reply
  • Andrew Bell

    did not understand what are the lines. I was not sure

    so Key-in delete scdefs named seemed to clear the problem. I then Key-in delete scdefs anonymous

    then did Key-in delete scdefs all just in case I needed to


    Again problem was solved and thank you so very much taking time to respond.

    Version: MicroStation V8i SS 10

    RJB Phillips III (Richard) Praise the Lord for His Mercy and grace in Christ Jesus

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