fit all and empty data fields

Under the old Microstation V8 2004 edition if you selected fit all/fit view command it would show the view with the empty unused data fields which might be outside the drawing border.

This was quite good for location spurious empty data fields. Under Microstation V8i when you select fit all/fit view it only selects the drawing border and if there are any unused data fields

located outside the drawing border then they are not shown in the view.

Note: If the data field has contents then it does show in the view.

Parents Reply
  • It was only my  opinion and experience that  data fields for new plans are more trouble than they are worth, I prefer to use cells with preformatted text or tags ... but if data edit fields  are working efficiently in your work flow then great, but more recent improvements have added more functionality, and the fact that V8i onwards hasn't  allowed the fit view to recognise them means that they probably wont be fixed any  future versions.... perhaps we need a vba that will do the true fit view to look for data fields too... any takers?


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

    But was long time user V8iss10 ( dabbler CE  update 16 ( 

    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
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