Placing a report with a teed table - Header issues

I'm creating a report showing a set of items and their values. I'm using a seed table with set headers. However whenever I place it, the header values from the table seed are replaced with the item values. (in the picture below, the top is the outputted values and the bottom is what I want the headers to be) ie. I don't want the item value headings to replace the table headings. Thoughts?

thanks in advance

  • the header values from the table seed are replaced with the item values

    The Item instance values form the body of the table.  We can't see your Item Type definition, but what appears to be happening is that your table seed header text is replaced with the Item Type property name.  You would prefer to retain your own text and not have it replaced by the Item Type property name?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • That's exactly it Jon. I don't want the Item Type property name. I want to specify my own headers and I will align the order in the report so that they match.

    As you can see there are formatting issues where the Item Type goes into the incorrect cell ('SETOUT COORDINATES' is replaced with 'Easting')

  • To ensure the Item Type Report does not overwrite the Table Seed text.
    In the Table Seed, select the Table and change Properties of Row 1 to be Type = Header (in your example)
    Set the BLANK row in your Table Seed to Type = Body.

    This ensures the report CONTENTS fill in the Row Body only, and the Item Type Report Headings are overwritten by the Table Seed text.

    Tip. Also, you COULD add a TITLE row - Say "CHAMBER SETOUT DETAILS". Make this Row 1 Type = Title (then above becomes Row 2)

    Tip. Set the Column Width Locks to True, or the table may 'spill' depending on size of entry. This also keeps the resulting table fixed width size, changing only based on how many records are presented.

    Greg Smith


    Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer

  • OK. tested again with U13. I created a NEW TABLE SEED based on U13 TABLES.

    Applied this and am getting similar results. Seems to be no rhyme nor reason for the deviation from the HEADER fields versus the ITEM TYPE Report titles, other than I have 1 Title line and 2 Header lines before the Body


    I found out what is occurring - no documentation on this...Disclaimer: The following is a WORK AROUND and is not graceful.

    The first Heading row is driven by the Report Headings UNLESS...

    you have 2 rows specified as Headings. Then the Second Heading Row honours the Heading Titles.

    So you need to have 2 Heading rows AND ensure that the Groupings of columns (Merge Columns) in First Heading row will Align with the same number of field s in report. So just make Report Field Headings what you wish them to be.

    Apologies for the messy markup.


    Greg Smith


    Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer

  • Thanks Greg, 

    yep, that's pretty much the problem I've had and the workaround is too messy to make the reports useful for anything other than a single header, which is still a step in the right direction.