Mesh Repair / Mesh Bridging problem

The graphic below represents a problem I am having with a relatively flat mesh, the blue area's represent good mesh data, while the orange represents corrupt mesh which has to be removed, the problem is bridging gap(s) between the outer blue mesh and the inner blue mesh islands. To give you an idea of scale the overall mesh is about 400metres x 300metres with a triangular mesh resolution of 0.1 metres, so quite a large dense mesh to handle.

The final mesh will be draped with and image, therefore the mesh has to be contiguous.

Any guidance appreciated.

  • What version (e.g. v10.x.y.z) of MicroStation, or other product, are you using?  Is your DGN model 2D or 3D?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Hi Ken,

    Here's a method you can try.

    1. Extract the boundaries of each of the blue meshes (Key-in FACET EXTRACTBOUNDARY )
      This should result in six boundaries.
    2. Start the command Mesh from Contours
    3. Select all of the boundaries and then you will be prompted with Accept to Preview/Reject
    4. Data point to Accept and preview the mesh
    5. Hold the Ctrl key and datapoint each boundary until they are all highlighted in yellow. The mesh preview should now show the results you desire.
    6. Release the Ctrl key and then Data Point to Accept the mesh.


  • Hi Ken, 

    Another approach 

    1. Extract boundaries using Mesh Extract boundary tool

    2. Use Mesh Project tool > Trim Method > Keep Both. and apply it on blues mesh with  boundaries created 

    3. It should be applied multiple times on mesh to get Outer blue mesh and 5 islands

    4. Using mesh unite tool on six separate meshes should create one single mesh. 




  • Hello Ron,

    Many thanks, judging by your short video, which is the ideal way to convey the methodology, I think this will do the trick.

    I don't have the dataset as yet for this project but I will experiment with an earlier less dense one that I have.



  • Hello Ron,

    The mesh I mentioned earlier is turning out to be 100's of islands, I'm just wondering if I should be 'healing' or close voids in mesh before I cut out further spurious mesh parts. I'm thinking that this might be better from a computational point of view.

