Cached Visible Edge?

What is a cached visible edge and how do I stop using them?

I have a .dwg from Revit, which I then converted into a .dgn and the referenced into a sheet model. Every time I make a change to the .dgn and then go back to the sheet model it tells me that the cached visible edges are out of date, and to reload. I don't want visible edges (whatever they are) so how do I get rid of them to make the .dgn reference act like any other .dgn reference?

  • Hi Stuart,

                  You need to change visible edge setting to "Dynamic".  Open reference dialog, select the reference & change visible edge setting to "Dynamic". With "Dynamic" reference, whatever changes you make in dgn are reflected in sheet immediately. Also while attaching reference, you can set it to Dynamic under Visible Edge setting in reference attachment dialog. If you want "Dynamic" to be default set while attaching reference, then set config var MS_REF_VISEDGE_ATTACH_STATE=Dynamic".

    In Cached visible edges mode, it store the snapshot of the geometry edges when the cache was generated. Changes will not be reflected unless the cache is reloaded. There are four modes in Cached visible edges, you can set for synchronization(MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, AUTOMATIC WITH ALERT & DISCONNECTED).




  • Hi Stuart,

                  You need to change visible edge setting to "Dynamic".  Open reference dialog, select the reference & change visible edge setting to "Dynamic". With "Dynamic" reference, whatever changes you make in dgn are reflected in sheet immediately. Also while attaching reference, you can set it to Dynamic under Visible Edge setting in reference attachment dialog. If you want "Dynamic" to be default set while attaching reference, then set config var MS_REF_VISEDGE_ATTACH_STATE=Dynamic".

    In Cached visible edges mode, it store the snapshot of the geometry edges when the cache was generated. Changes will not be reflected unless the cache is reloaded. There are four modes in Cached visible edges, you can set for synchronization(MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, AUTOMATIC WITH ALERT & DISCONNECTED).




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