MIcroStation Connect Update 13 - Display styles doesn't seem to work in Reference Presentation

In contrast to MicroSTation Select Series 4, display styles doesn't seem to work in the Reference Presentation. What am I doing wrong?

File (Illustration display style) with Reference presentation Wireframe in Connect. The reference is displayed as Illustration.

Same file in SelectSeries 4 - Now the reference is displayed correct.

Regards Louis

Parents Reply Children
  • Defect 773405:[PP Dependency] [ABD CE]Reference presentation is overriden by Display style of view

    Originally raised for OpenBuilding Designer CONNECT Edition but now classed as a Power Product issue. It is approved for a future release of the PP's which would include MicroStation CE.

    Defect 276740:The Reference presentation mode does not overrides the View Display Style

    This item is closed and was suggested it is Working As Designed (WAD).

    "If the View Display mode is Wireframe then the Reference presentation mode overrides the view style "

    Andrew Bell
    Technical Support
    Bentley Systems

  • Thank you Andrew,

    The two defect looks the same to me. Looking to:

    Defect 276740:The Reference presentation mode does not overrides the View Display Style

    This item is closed and was suggested it is Working As Designed (WAD).

    "If the View Display mode is Wireframe then the Reference presentation mode overrides the view style "

    I can confirm it is certainly not working as it should be in MicroStation C U13.

    I hope when Defect 773405 is fixed, this function would be usable.

    Regards Louis

  • future release of the PP's which would include MicroStation CE.

    Defect 276740:The Reference presentation mode does not overrides the View Display Style

    This item is closed and was suggested it is Working As Designed (WAD).

    I agree with .

    This is not working; being able to have your references display differently is the whole point of Presentation styles. Having them be functionally worthless in certain displays makes references functionally broken.

  • I've found a workaround. It's hackey and horrible and isn't how you should work in CAD (IMO), but it works.

    1. Open a Model that references in the file you actually want to work on.

    2. Select the Presentation style of the referenced file to how you want it to display.

    3. Reference in the other files. Do the same for them.

    4. Set the the Primary View to "Wireframe"

    5. Magically, the references will follow what you want for screening/line width/whatever.

    6. Select and Activate the reference you wanted to work on, and mumble under your breath that this is a silly silly silly way to do it.

    This is a stupid way to do it, as the presentation style you set in the reference setting should reign no matter what, but whatever.

    /s maybe Bentley will decide to make it work like it did in SS4, but I can tell that they're not real excited by the thought of making their software work like it used to. /s

  • I did this workaround a few years ago, it's working ok, but I rather would like it to be fixed the real way.

    The workaround is a display rule that says: if a reference presentation is "eg smooth" then the reference presentation should be "eg smooth".

    Very stupid, but it works...