[V8i] MstnFontConfig.xml - can this be part of a networked workspace?

Editing the MstnFontConfig.xml to set


works well, but I need a solution that I can push to all our users. Leaving this as a local file would require editing (at least) three local files on every user's machine (once for each Bentley package like MicroStation, InRoads, Geopak, etc.).

I've looked through my configuration variables, but I haven't figured out yet what I could use to point to this file on a network. Can it be done? What other options do you suggest for managing this file?

Thank you.

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  • I am setting us up with a small standards CFG that will %include a file on the network to set the rest of the network resources - I can set MS_FONTCONFIGFILE in the network file.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the authority for any kind of "push", but I'm much more comfortable telling people "just copy this file to here" than I would be telling them "now you need to edit this XML file". I like the batch file option, though. I'll have to get with IT to see what they'll let me do.

    Thank you for that CFG variable - that's the one I wanted!


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