Shared Cells - Disable by Default / Don't Place by Default

When using the Place Active Cell tool, the Cell Library Window shows that using Shared Cells is enabled.
Even if I disable it and save the settings (CTRL+F), next time I load up a file. the Use Shared Cells box is checked. Is there any way to disable it by default?

Use Shared Cells on by default

I've read through several posts on the issue, some asking to just disable the feature altogether - which has been reported impossible. This is not exactly what I want anyway.
I just want that check-box to be unchecked by default. Is it possible?

Having read through several posts on the issue, I'll answer some questions I suspect are coming, ahead of time:

Q. Why do you need to disable shared cells?
A. When printing to PDF with the Bentley driver, with full-color shaded illustrations, rasterized, Shared Cells just magically vanish. Only regular cells make it onto the sheet.

Q. Have you tried fixing the issue in print settings?
A. My predecessor and I have both tried. This is the only solution I've found. If you Cache the Visible Edges in the Reference settings, the Shared Cells are printed, but Shading is lost from the display style. It becomes a line drawing.

My current solution is to try and remember to uncheck the box (which I usually don't notice is checked until halfway through since I place most cells just by code alone without opening the Cell Library window).
Then upon close, I have a VBA script run automatically to catch the ones I missed and convert them to regular Cells. As you can guess, if I forget to drop the cells, or run the script manually, and print before closing the document, I could accidentally omit crucial design elements.

I really hope somebody could help me out here. My software version:
Microstation - AECOsim Building Designer V8i (SELECTseries 6) - v08.11.09.866

Code to drop cells by VBA below if anybody is interested:

Sub DropSharedCells()
    'Shared Cell Unsharinator:
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "powerselector deselect"
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "powerselector all"
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "drop sharecell"
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "powerselector deselect"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "selview all"
    'This usually fails to run on dgn open automatation. Works on exit automation.
End Sub

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