Maximum number of Tags in Tag set


Is it possible that the maximum number of Tags in a Tag Set is 12 ? I do not seem to be able to have more than 12. I tried to add some tags >12, the new tags are there but others are lost. MicroStation V8i ans Connect Edition update 13. same problem. thanks, Nico

Parents Reply
  • Were going off topic here but....

    yes its over  18 months old and still no progress and I voted for it  way back... very disappointing.. this is one of the things that used to set mstn apart from all other  software and I learned more from trying at home in my own time with home license that I ever could at work when  its all pressure and billable hours...

    I even help others through the forum and try or test via my  home license  for v8i... not so with  CE...


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

    But was long time user V8iss10 ( dabbler CE  update 16 ( 

    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
    click link to PM me 

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